Thursday afternoon presentations

There is a presentation of a guest artist every Sunday at 3 pm.
But apart from that I intend to show a video work of an artist every Thursday (from 1 pm to 5 pm) in the  bar space of Pictura.
The entrance is free.

On Thursday 13 June I will present a (performance-)video of Martine Viale & Frans van Lent titled:
La Têt 2: Rope (2022)

Thursday 6 June I will present a video of Van Reek Ten Bosch Banketje titled:
Tuinbrief #3, (2015) 

On Thursday 30 May I will present a video of Ienke Kastelein titled:
L’espace et son double (2012).

On Thursday 23 May I presented a video of Nico Parlevliet titled:
Cellar (2013).

On Thursday 16 May I presented a video of Topp&Dubio:
Three White Refrigerators at Moskovsy Prospekt (2024)